Our goal is to spark a life-long passion for the wonder & beauty of the universe. Featuring education, inspiration, reviews, advice, and more.
— Telescopeguide.org

Telescopeguide.org - Up-to-Date advice and articles on how to get started in Amateur Astronomy.

Starlust.org - A place to learn how to begin exploring the night sky.

The Role of Data Science in Astronomy and Interstellar Exploration - An article highlighting how data science has advanced astronomy and interstellar exploration by analyzing celestial data to improve mission strategies.

Brian Combs Astrophotography - A collection of photos by astronomer Brian Combs.

Roth Ritter's Dark Atmospheres - A portfolio of astronomy images by Roth Ritter.

David Malin's Images - A collection of astronomy images, each well documented and in high resolution.

Kitahara PhotoGallery

ASTROCRUISE - Astrophotography by Philip Perkins.

Astrosurf - A French online forum dedicated to astronomy.

Mike Regish's Astrophotography Page

The Dr. Richard Feynman Observatory

Astronomical Images - Deep Sky Astrophotography

David Hanon's Home Page

University of Alabama gif images

Galaxy Photography

Dr. Michael A. Covington

The Puckett Observatory


Palomar Digitized Sky Survey

MAXXs' Astrophotography

Chuck's Astrophotography

HST Images