February 2025
This issue includes the new observing schedule for the Heaven Hill site, details on the upcoming total lunar eclipse in March, a NASA article on Messier objects, the night sky chart for March, and a list of objects to observe during the month of March.
January 2025
This issue recaps a recent AAS star party in Montgomery, Alabama. It also includes an article on light pollution, the February night sky chart, a listing of observable objects in February, and a reminder about an opportunity to view the Moon, Venus, and Mercury together in February.
December 2024
This issue covers an upcoming club star gaze, some astrophotography from the ISS, a recent close pass of the Parker solar probe, an article on the upcoming occultation of Mars by the Moon, the January star chart, and a list of celestial objects visible in January 2025.
Below are the archives of every newsletter published by the Auburn Astronomical Society, listed by year, then by month. Click on any highlighted month to read its respective newsletter.